Programme & Employment
We have spent a year carefully curating and developing the EmployAble Pathway to employment, for individuals with learning and intellectual disabilities. Get in touch with us today to enquire more.
Programme outline
To assess for job suitability
In-house training for targeted jobs
Job placement
Placement for sheltered employment or inclusive
Employment options (Job placement)
Sheltered employment
Employment is in-house, Supported by job coaches
Inclusive independent employment
Employment with hiring corporation,
Supported by job coaches
Training for hiring corporations
Research done by Aichner (2021) and Ang (2017) reported that while corporations are interested in hiring Individuals with Intellectual Difficulties, there is insufficient information to support the effective hiring and training process. We at EmployAble want to make sure you, the hiring corporations, are supported to successfully hire these individual - with the help of our Training in Inclusive Employment for hiring corporations.